'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Sunday 1 July 2012

I built a candlestick Castle, and my Cat grew wings...

My mind seems to be floating lately, and sometimes it really does feel like I'm trying to pacify my own writer demons. I've written poems about this sort of subject and talked about it but never really covered it in this blog. (Even though it is so named).
  The main point of fact being when you're in limbo - like I am - waiting for a call from the military and unable to drive so hanging around my house all day every day with only my characters for company...well it can get a bit weird, and crowded.
 Especially with the bad-o guys from my stories. (See this book that I'm placing here is only the first of five books that I've written and am still editing heaps. Their nowhere near good enough to publish yet but they're getting there). So my point of fact is that you guys haven't met my best villain yet, and he's the one that plagues me.
I honestly think that a story is not worth reading unless it has a villain that goes extremely well with the protagonist character, like they just...compliment each other. Like the Joker and Batman, or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The villain is always trying to prove to the good guy that he has a darkness inside of him and that ...manic laugh you're not so different from me at all, are you?
  Well I have my own fantasies, as we all do and most nights when I'm relaxing on the couch or perhaps drinking, my fave bad guy comes to me - his name's Sodom by the way - and he'll look at me with his pale eyes and ask me...what is it that you want child? I'll always answer the same...you know, you know what I want but you can't give it to me. (Do not ask what it is exactly that I want because I don't rightly know myself)
  He's the one who comes to me when my times are darkest and when no one else is there he'll sit by me or place one of his cold hands on my shoulder and whisper things into my ears. He's my other side and really the only reality about all I've just said is that he literally makes me feel cold and empty when he's around. I think it's that whole 'devil-may-care' attitude I'm drawn to.
  So enough space talk and in my defence...I'm a writer, and have too much time, so I am entitled to my delusions. Whoever does not have delusions can not claim to be a writer. (Jokess)

So here's the next few chapters of my book, in which my dear Cara finds herself in a spot of bother with the police...don't we all at some point? :]

Many laughs and hugs darlings,
Miss CLScarlett xx

To be continued....

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