'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Little Black Bottle of Potent Sunshine and a slice of Courteous Absence...

       I had this amazing dream once.....

       And...that's all I'm going to tell you, have a nice day.

       Heehee, nah, I'll let you in a little bit. This dream, well in general I used to dream ten times more than I do now. Fabulous dreams they were, full of excitement and impossible situations, and more often than not I would find myself being chased by the IMA or another government agency, but hey here's the twisted part, I actually really enjoyed being pursued and hunted.
        Maybe it is a vanity thing, a part of me that wants to be the object for some devil-may-care person's obsession...or rather the type that you would have glimpsed with Reno and Cara in my novel.

        But this dream I had, it was one of those dreams that I think of as closer to reality or physically just-about-there. These dreams feel grander and more deep and twisted, almost like de ja vu. In this particular one, that evolved around my stories. I had it the night before I moved away from my old home a few years back, and it was the largest dream I've ever had (too long-winded in fact to put here completely) (and yes, I know you're wondering how I've managed to fill this blog up so far just talking about the dream but never describing it. Heehee.


  I was me, but I also had an 'other' half who in the dream, was Cara from my novel. She was me, and I was her, yet we were separate. Similar to mystical connections you read in books or see in movies, and similarly...her pain was my pain.
  We lived in an apartment by ourselves and basically out of nowhere one day, we were contacted - or rather confronted - by a secret government agency that was basically an extremely stylish version of the IMA and the MIB.
   We were called to a meeting at their agency, and because my dragon half and I realized that they might turn to more drastic measures if we refused to come, we decided to.
    The agency was located in this huge, blank office-looking building that was situated in the sunniest part of the city, surrounded by palm trees and blue skies. We both got into the lift at the base and travelled to probably the top level.
     When we arrived there, it got very weird very fast, starting with the fact that we were straight off confronted by a group of agents led by a woman agent. What I meant before by stylish is that their black and white suits were like the ones you see in ultra expensive Hollywood tuxe shops including these coolio shades.
    But what was weird was that somehow these group of agents hopped into the lift and went down while we were still getting out of the same lift. They also gave us both a knowing, triumphant smile, the sort that showed that they knew...in the end, that we would give in and allow ourselves to be caught up with the agency.
    Now when those lift doors opened for us - and after the group of agents - we were confronted by this room of un-knowable size. I say un-knowable because of the fact that it was stuffed full of hundreds of colourful, moving aliens and people. That's why I mentioned the MIB, because basically that's what the agency dealt with, aliens and other odd creatures.
    One of the head agents greeted my dragon-self and I, making us feel as if we were important and loved. He began to talk to us about something, but halfway through we were distracted by a commotion. It was horrible.
      Basically they had this gigantic squid/alien/parasite chained down in a section that looked like a boxing ring and they were literally pumping its' insides out using a hose. It went for ages and was very gruesome, eventually ending with all this black stuff cascading out of the creatures' squid-like flaps and spaces on its' head and neck.
     We freaked out after seeing that and both of us left in a hurry.
     However, later that day, during the night in fact, I woke to find that my dragon-self had disappeared from our apartment, and somehow I knew that she had gone back to the agency.
   I stormed there, went up the lift only to find the same room near empty and in shadows. There, in a similar ring to what the squid creature was held in, my dragon-self stood, chained to its' sides.
  Only the chains weren't completely constrictive. In fact what I saw was many agents watching and taking notes while my dragon-self was forced to dance, even though it pained her. The head agent told me she'd done it to protect me.
   I was devastated pretty much and it's hard to describe the feeling even as that. It was like a piece of me had been ripped out, and I'm still not sure if I was ever able to save her. But yeah, it hurt.

   So that's my epic dream. After which I woke straight up and just knew that it was somehow important for me to write it down.

   Well on a lasting side note, I have decided to delve into the odd waters of freelance writing. I have a possible break in my fledgling career due on Saturday morning, and really...it excites me, this new adventure waiting.

   Also, for one reason or another I have decided not to continue trying to work for the navy or army. And it is incredible how much lighter I feel having made that choice.

    Thing's are pretty good right now, and life seems to have more light.

    Follow the Sun dear ones,

     Miss CLScarlett xx

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