'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Flibbertigibbet and his merrymaking band of Poodles

Thinking of the layers we have as people...and how much things still surprise me is quite humbling in some ways.
  Only that, just when we believe that we know all there is to know about who we are or how we usually act, something comes along to shake it all up.
  It makes me wonder if things happen the way they are now...such as, if in life you get quite a few hard knocks at first, that could either mean that (you hope), the rest of your life will be as cruisy as mush, or the other alternative: there's something far worse still to come and fate is merely biding his time before he brings out the big guns.
   Then again, perhaps your life will just keep going the way its' gone, with occasional times of hardship or victory.
  Maybe I shouldn't think about it you say. :]
  Mainly what I find myself worrying about lately for one reason or another, is that I may be putting so much shit out into the ether about doom and gloom that death or fate's gonna start taking more of an interest in me than he already has. Right now it feels like he's taking closer and closer swings, and that maybe one day it won't just be secondary people I know that end up dying.

   Please don't get me wrong, compared to some others I know, my life is a picnic in the park!
  (Which by the way makes me agitated to think about because when you think about how many people are worse off than you, you start to feel categorized, and that you don't deserve to name or take your problems seriously - that they don't count - because there are so many worse things out there happening to other people.)
  Which in turn can easily lead to the...it's-all-so-pointless-I'm-identical-to-everyone-else-so-I-might-as-well-die attitude.

  Heehee, don't think that so much any more. I mad a certain peace with my demons, though they do occasionally come back to nibble at me.

I want to put down below a small poem I wrote a while ago, and explain it cryptically because...well, I feel like being cryptic heehee.
(It's also unnerving me that it's starting to prey on my mind that perhaps I reveal too much in these blogs, and that I miss just keeping things to myself. Ah but still...I'm sorry to say there's things you'll never find out about me :] )


A match flame dying,
   poured forth a word, a whisper in its' dying breath...
It told me about life, how the stars could roar -
   it showed me my own wings...
It told me tales, of when giants walked the earth
   and fashioned from planets a telescope...
It told me of places, where it had gone,
   where it had lit the parchments of kings 
and watched music take birth...

   At the hand of eternals, its' flame had been lit -
as ideas were inspired and love re-knit...
   It had sorrowed much but been given more - 
its' gift was its' fathomless joy at giving of its' soul...
   Its' fire was its' heart, and its' tears drops of wax...
'Not every story ends well', he proclaimed,
   His ashes fell upon my desk, 
as I understood that it was I he spoke of...
   For in the life of a candle we are all the same soul -
the same beat,
  and in the end his spirit matched ours - matched mine...
As my flickering friend caught his last breath,
  he imparted this knowledge to me...
I was his candle, and me his star -
  he was merely the hand to hold -
the friend to guide.

 So...nada. Just a poem that vaguely relates back to Cara's story and other issues I was going through back then. Just a bit of fun.
  Though hey, I could be lying. :]

   Ah and today, I have a small request for anyone reading this meagre blog.
  In the experimentation and interest of good-feeling and humour, I implore you to choose a member of your family and for no reason whatsoever, leave a nice note and a small chocolate heart or candy where they can find it.

  We really don't do enough for others, and I mean that humbly. I often find I'm so immersed in my own head that sometimes it's hard to break out and do simple things for others like smiling or whatever.

But seriously :], just do it. Find an inspirational quote on the internet to give to your chosen person if you can't think of something. They'll appreciate it anyway.

  You know, this is true what I'm saying. 
  My father is a painter of a sort and he was once painting in parking yellow lines at a car park. He had caution wet paint signs and tape everywhere, and he himself stood watch as it dried, but people still managed to walk over the paint.
  Hardly anyone ever saw the signs, and only when Dad would yell out to them would they realize what they'd done. He himself said to me that if there'd been a pit there instead, all those people would have fallen in and hurt themselves. (Obviously).

  I completely get that society and most of us are programmed that way, (to just be so caught up in our problems and our everyday fight for surviving in this crazy-expensive world), but it's worrying I think. What if one day we just forget how to ever notice other people. We'd all rather communicate by media, not bother about going through the troubles to have any kids, and a growing desire to leave our jobs and the day-in-day-out grind. 

 If that really happened (and I myself want these things, to just not have to bother), but if it did happen: if no one had any kids, and so on, society would crumble. No one would leave their homes, or everyone would be living the hippy/nomad life and we'd cease to have future generations. Maybe in the end it won't be climate change that destroys us, but the advance of society and our inability to want it: as though the world jumped a few generations ahead and left us scrambling to not be forced out of our homes and jobs.

  However, I've mumbled on about all of this enough, and I'll leave you in relative peace.

   Though I'll still hang around to haunt you for a bit I think...:D

Much love Darlings,
Miss CLScarlett xx

P.S. To leave you in a disturbingly hilarious mood, watch the video below while taking your various poisons of choice.


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