'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Sunday 19 August 2012

Alice, the Bird in the PaperClip Cage and an Addiction to Fruit-mince Pies...

You know there is an ancient Chinese proverb that says: 
 “An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, despite the time, the place, and despite the circumstances. The thread can be tightened or tangle, but will never be broken.

    Pretty cool huh? 

     Bird's keep getting caught inside my home...and isn't it peculiar how they can find their way in...but never out again?
   I've been thinking, about a lot of things, and of noteworthy news I may or may not be going to a possible interview for a position somewhere tomorrow. It may not happen, or it might and I can't bring myself to talk about it too much because when I think about or say I'll do it, things don't seem to work out. So! We will stay positive and...whatever heehee.

    All I know is that it feels familiar, in the pits of my stomach, the prospect of this particular job.

    Dreams within dreams...don't we all love to dream. Even in books that are based on the author's view of real life, turns out that nothing is as straight forward as that (and yes most of us do realize that by now), but when you spend time watching movies or reading books where everything works out right, that the right people always fall in love or you receive that dream scholarship or job, it never seems to happen that way in reality. Fiction is much more straightforward than fact, oddly enough.

    So a dream, a dream...oh to dream.

     I had a dream once, it was curious, would you like to hear?
     In the first part of my dream, I was being driven somewhere in a car, down a suburb street. We were driving slowly, and as I looked out of the window...I saw a man. (I know, unusual hey...)
   Well this man was unusual. His long hair, his eyes, his skin and his clothes were a pale, unnatural white. He actually looked very much like how I'd imagine my bad-o character Sodom, but...it wasn't Sodom. Just looked like him.
   Now what was odd was that we drove past him, and as we did he stood there, statue-like on a driveway, and turned staring at me as I went pass. Then, to my disbelief copies of this man appeared on all the other driveways, copying his actions and turning to look at me. But you see, they weren't just copies, they were somehow him as well, they were all the same person...and he himself was something...other.
   In the next part of my dream, I found myself inside this small square room, all blank walls and no way out that I could see. On the floor of the room was a black weapon case: in the shape of a machine gun. Now there was a certain, horrid smell that came from the case, but despite this my curiosity got the better of me and kneeling down, I opened the case.
    The smell was like death, and inside was a weapon that looked like a strange cross between something alien and a machine gun. It was faintly green-licorice-black in colour. I reached out and took the weapon and began to pull it out of its case. Yet as soon as my skin touched it, it literally began to melt.
    It was so horrible, becoming a black tar-like substance that hissed and stank more and more, pooling onto the ground in a big mess.

    I just recall staring at this weapon melting, unable to get myself to move and in a state of horrified fascination. The dream ended after that. 

  Curious...? ha! Yesss Scarlett, your idea of curious is disturbing to others. :]

     So I shall drift away and end a bit, seeing as I've held you up for long enough now. Mainly, I just keep thinking that fate and everything else has a vast sense of humour.
      Or he just likes to toy with me.
       There I was eating my mind down about everything and believing that I am destined for this rut for the remainder of my life and even if I did get a job it would be shit (and really this is only a small part of my mind-state at the moment, but it is the part that was plaguing me yesterday and lately) (And! I don't have the job yet), but after all that, a job interview is thrown at me in a pretty coolio place.

     Basically meaning that even though I rant and hate fate and death quite a lot, and complain about the shadow of doom, at times there really does seem to be a humorous affiliation between us. Such as jousting, it's a love-hate relationship. Not meaning any disrespect either. Like a cat that occasionally plays gentle games with you before sticking you with its' claws...then again sometimes he let's you go.

   Mainly, I'm just grateful there is something on the horizon for me.

For now though I shall disappear back into the ether.

    Miss CLScarlett xx

     P.S. I simply can't wait for Christmas so I can have fruit mince pies again!

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