'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Sunday 12 August 2012

Take the Apple, Spin around twice and chant 'Lots of Rice'...

Welcome to the....

   As a rule, all who enter the Sinister Meeting Room must be mad to a seven quarter degree and really the only way to arrive here at all is to become lost.
   Here's a few instructions if you do happen to be heading the wrong way (or you're just at a complete loss from the start). So...

  1. Wait until approximately two in the morning, give or take a few minutes.

  2. Walk clockwise through your house ten times, starting from the kitchen and ending each time in the smallest room inside your house. Mind, you must not take yourself seriously in the least and often humming 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' certainly helps too.

  3. Through one way or another you should get in, though be warned...you should bring a teacup along as payment (and we do sooo love tea in the Sinister Meeting Room.)

  4. This is the final step, you should come to a series of staircases very similar to the photo below:

  Obviously, you should follow them...right down below, and please! No quailing due to its' damp and gloomy appearance.

  4. (Tricked you! Not the final step heehee). At the base of these many stairs (and on a side note you may well come across some odd things on the way down so please don't touch or take anything). There should be a short corridor waiting for you, and depending on the time of year there should be a bed with a bear or a lion or some other sort of creature sitting on it.

 5. Under all circumstances you should ignore it.

 6. You should have arrived by now...though who can really tell. Sit down at the tables and chairs, have a cup of tea and play The Sinister Meeting Room's most favourite game: Lies and Heartaches.
  7.   For you are ashamedly not permitted to leave unless you give them your heart. There is no escape so do give in. Then you will never feel inclined to frown ever again. Quite painless really, and it has to be your own hand and blade that does the deed, so please placate us, if you would be so kind.

       There you are...now you are free. :]

       So on a small side note from Miss Scar, she is disinclined to be present today, a most unfortunate fact....though on second glance she does seem to be battling her own labyrinth at present so she may be a while. 

    In all respect and anger we play a furious game of watch-their-hearts-bleed and who-can-get-their-arm-chopped-off-first. Though lately she does particularly favour the-pursuit-of-her-own-madness-and-end, so...we shall see who wins the battle soon.

    And on a real side note, for whatever reasons I am having certain reservations about my life at present, though I have found myself strangely caught up in the dark, strangely lovely world of The Replacement. Which is seemingly a book about children that are taken at birth and replaced by a Cast-off who originate from a place called the House of Mayhem, which is ruled by a little tattooed princess and a band of living dead musicians. Heady...

         Goodbye dear friends,
Miss CLScarlett xx


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