'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Friday 24 August 2012

The Creeping owl and a wish that was Taken by the Sea...

   Owls... Harharhar.

    You know what they say about owls...

No, not that they are wise (although who can really tell with a bird), no...really if you know what they say about owls then you know what I mean...but really, what do you think I mean, heehee, because whatever you do think I mean, well...that's what I mean.

   Nah, I watched the preview for this movie a while ago called the Fourth Kind, which oddly enough began my love-hate relationship with owls.
    Namely, because of this movie preview I was petrified of owls for ages afterwards, but then that grew to love. Same with the Joker, same with my bad-o characters and especially (at the moment), Pennywise the clown from IT by Stephen King.

     Namely, in this movie (which I ahm didn't end up watching), it was all about these abductions that happened in some remote part of Alaska  that are meant to be based on actual interviews done with the supposed-victims. But every person who claimed to have been abducted would see a small white owl with eyes that were like moths. Big black eyes that seemed to stretch, and stretch, and they'd see this creature every night before they would be abducted.

  The Fourth Kind movie trailer...look for the owl... 

     Okay so call me flighty or over-active imagination-wise, but I became obsessed, thinking that...well how can you really know if abductions like that actually happen, and so yeah I became afraid that if I went to bed at night I'd open my eyes and see the owl looking in at me.
     Eventually I got over it and now I love owls so much that most of my stationary and journals and some clothes I own have owls all over them heehee.

    But really being scared...I mean have you ever tried to do the things that make you afraid at a primal level? Try these few spooky ideas (if you dare muhaha):

 1. Sit in a dark room at night and sit facing the wall, with your back to the room.

 2. Play Bloody Maary. (I have decided that Maary sounds scarier that Mary, don't you agree?)
   This legend freaked me out, and really it's rubbish and shit so don't get too enthralled with it. But basically you are meant to wait until everyone in the house is asleep and it's midnight, turn off all the lights and stand in front of a mirror.
   Then you say blood Maary seven times, turning around once each time you say it. Supposedly you die after the seventh time, or something leaps out of the mirror at you. But it's freaky nonetheless. (I also heard one version in which you're meant to hold a knife while you're doing the whole thing, but unless you're an idiot and actually want to accidentally fall on your knife because you're spinning around in the darkness too much, do NOT do it).

3.  If you (like me), believe that a zombie-like creature is going to launch shrieking at you out of the darkness if you take too long walking around outside at night, then turn and stare at the darkness for as long as you can.

   Heehee, ghost stories around a fire never hurt either. Oh! And watching the movie The Covenant! If you want a good, exciting scare, watch said movie.

  You know I was spending some time at Belongil Beach in NSW once and I decided to spend half an hour on the beach as it was getting dark after sunset.
   So I stood there in the chilly wind and darkness, staring out at the waves and occasionally the lighthouse beam would sweep over me and the water.
   It was great for a while, but then, my eyes began to play tricks with me in the darkness. And I'm honestly telling the truth here, in that I've heard of this happening as a kind of ...aural hallucination or something like that. I really don't know, just that it exists as something.
   But as I was watching the waves, I began to see something. You know how sometimes you can see the air particles, or little sparks of movement if you stare at something hard enough (if you don't know what I'm talking at, please try it. Just stare at something for as long as you can when there's sunshine around)?

    Only in my case it was tenfold. The particles (if that's what they were), unfurled huge wing-like shapes, as though it was a great shadowy bird and it moved towards me. I freaked and high-tailed it off the beach, but it reminded me that in the past, I had seen something similar. Maybe my eyes just started seeing shapes in the wind and darkness, I don't know, but it was creepy.

    Then there were the ghosties on my island - including the fact that the old Nicholson house that was there since who-knew-how-long used to have this door that you could access but it was forbidden us to go there. We got up to mischief sure, and I recall one week seeing the door to the house open every time I went past it. Then when I asked one of the old timers who'd dwelt on the island a while about it, they told me that the door was...dumdumdum, never open. Harharhar!

   Anyway, tishtosh.

     So I will leave you with a small thought.....................................

      Don't let them in! Arghhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuueeekekeke

Fear not dear ones,
Miss CLScarlett xx


He laughs in my face, takes hold of my heart, grips me in his claws - won't let me shout...
    He consumes my dreams, his face twisted up, the cruel glint of steel, in his touch...
    When such a thing consumes, so that no thought can come, when your mind is slowly being torn - from end, to end, to end...
    He fills my thoughts, my very breath, until I cannot see...
A creature that was destined to live as a figment, yet has forced its' way into reality...
     True he may not exist, in the realm we call life, nay he is not even a creation of mine - and yet how is it, that at night I am consumed, and my first waking thoughts are him...
     Such terror, such thrill...a longing, a confusion, how can these feelings be true? How can they be not?
     Perhaps there is no remedy for this nameless disease, that plagues my heart, my mind, my soul and makes me wonder if I am indeed like he.

Owl City - Umbrella Beach.


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