'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Blind Man's other EYE....we...re loo...oo.o...kingggggggggg...ekekekeee

   Spring and heat are coming darlings, yet there's still room for one more cold day...

    There always is.

    What would you do if you were sitting at a bus stop one stormy day and out of nowhere, a gigantic green dragon flew down from the clouds and landed beside you? Would you:

     a. Run up to the creature, give it a hug, jump on its back and then ride off into the Heaven's to defeat evil side by side.

      b. Scream and cry and flee from the monster. Most likely running onto a busy road without looking.

      c. Screech at the monster, pull our your sword and slay the beast. It is evil and unnatural.

  d. Ignore it, dragons don't exist.

  e. Call in your men and capture the beast, use it as a new part of your TV or internet broadcast to make you rich and famous.

    Harharhar, I don't know what I'd do. Probably not b or c.

    You know I used to believe there were secret, in-between places. I still kinda do, in that I see no reason to say that this or that is impossible, I mean really...how do you know? Maybe at some point in history or somewhere in the world those things are possible. At the same time though, if a dragon did actually land beside me I'd probably lose my mind. (Not that it's that far from being chaotic already harhar)

     Mainly, it probably didn't help that I'd have dreams in my past where they were so close to reality and where I lived that I could have been sleep walking and seeing apparitions as I slept walked. There was one time when my family and I lived in this house on the gold coast that had a steep driveway down onto the main road: it was more steep than long and windy though, just straight down.

     This one freaky night I had a dream where I woke up after midnight and walked down to the base of my driveway to sit there. Then, as I was staring across the street, all of these things spilled out of a nearby drain. They were small aliens, but they also looked robotic. They were brightly coloured and clicked and whirred as they moved. They actually looked like something out of Halo.

 The way they moved was as though they had millions of small centipede legs and were scurrying on them, yet I couldn't see any legs. They all moved about and I stayed perfectly still until they noticed me, at which point I believe I ran inside.

   Then there was another part (which made it much more a dream than the previous part), in which one of my brother's and I, well I convinced him to come to the base of the drive way with me, so as to show him the things I had seen. They didn't reappear but then my Dad replaced my brother and this time...they did come.

   We ended up becoming trapped inside one of the alien's, somehow.

   Okay, you may tell me that this is obviously a dream, and yes I agree, but...is it completely a dream? How do I know that I didn't walk outside late at night, half asleep and then see things on the road in my half-asleep state of mind? Creeps me out harhar.

     We are in the era of the sun...and boy do we burn brightly. We race along like flares in a gale, digging ourselves away and we are so brilliant but so quickly dying. Maybe that's why everything feels like it's going so fast.

      Really, I feel more monkeyish today, and really...ever since I found out which member of my family is which Chinese horoscope animal, that's a lot of what I see. My Dad is a rabbit you see, and hey...rabbit's are lucky. And my Dad is constantly being dealt good luck, thanks-be. (And knock on wood, hemehm).
      But gosh, that languor, devil-may-care, watching-eyes, with an eternal smile and a soul reflected in his eyes of two spirits ever battling the other. This monkey. It's what it is and I am and we all are at times and what we sometimes dream to be or know others to be. Like a creature that vainly loves itself only to hold up a mirror so that it can constantly and cruelly laugh at itself. The Steppenwolf mindset.

 I feel aspirational, that I could scream or laugh or turn into a wolf and rip something in half. I feel like I could sprint and race the wind through a forest and actually find faeries and gnomes in the roots of trees.
  That somewhere a cat would have wings and its fur would no longer be white. Where a cat who was once a boy would run with a small, thin tabby cat through shipping docks.
  Where a lion could create a door in the air with its roar.
   Where the mysteries of the world were there and tangible, and in which the sky did move and the waves could be heard at every moment and the light never faded.
   Where time stopped.
      I feel that I could turn away from the world forever..or face my shadows so as to finally not run. Maybe that's what it takes to be free.
     I like the idea of being free...and wanting it. Though I think there's really been only a few times in my life when freedom has been felt strongly for more than a few days or hours.
   Take those people we all know who just seem to be unbreakable. That no matter what horrid relationship their in or situation in life...they don't belong to anyone and they never will.

   Sometimes I hate myself. Sometimes I love myself vainly.
     Sometimes all that is fit is to laugh at myself until the mirror breaks and...
at other times all that is needed is to break the mirror instead.

    So so so, some of you do know. I seem to be rhyming, though honest I'm not trying! It's simply a habit that will not rabbit. Oh yes, I used rabbit to rhyme with habit!

    So now I while go and so I wanted to let you know, that I love you all and hate to drawl, but seems are seems and know is know.

     Christmas Cherubs!

Miss CLScarlett xx

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