'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Monday 6 August 2012

The Insidious Case of Assorted Moods, Seasons and Half-Thoughts....

  I wish it was still Christmas...or still Summer.

The cold can hurt, and probably the happiest I've been is in the warmth and in beautiful places by the sea. I know that when I was younger my family and I would camp through Christmas and new year at Lennox Head, Byron Bay. It was always too hot, with psycho storms at night that would rip tents in half or leave you wondering at the howling of the wind.
  I wrote by hand more back then (though I still do now), and I recall this one time being so in the mood to write that during the night I'd sit outside while the wind and rain thrashed just past the area I was sheltering. Very inspiring, I find.

  During the days we'd swim across the lake and even venture to the ocean. There was this one part - probably during the last time we went there -  where I discovered this peaceful area that seemed all mine. In the end I called it Eagle Cove, or Shire, and I would name all the flowers. It was really right by the sea but it was still partially hidden by all these trees that unveiled a patch of blue sky. Soft grass and little hillocks.
  What was peculiar was that there were these two eagles there, and I remember one time lying for an hour or so on the grass, staring up at the eagles as they passed over me again and again. They flew really low too...and it felt kinda like they were watching over me.

  So...I named it Eagle Cove. :]

   It's funny though isn't it? How more people (or at least I do), feel more unhappy when it's bitterly cold or always gloomy. I also really believe that if there was less cold in the world (temperature-wise), a lot less people would be unhappy.

  Maybe I connect it with death or something (cold, that is), but it's like a living death. However at the same time, it seems a beautiful way to die if you were caught in a snow storm and froze.

  Okay, why...you ask? Mainly, when you're really cold, all you want to do is go to sleep, and not move. Cold is a sly, beckoning ghost...and if you give in to its' cold arms and requests, you can die quicker than you think possible. If not physically then somewhere inside.

   I was once spending three days at a music festival in Toowoomba, and we were staying in these little tents. It was so bitterly cold, and...it really didn't help that I was going through a hard point in my life. Yes I was even more of a downer back then heehee, but the cold...it was so cold that there wasn't anything else. You stop pretending that there's such a thing as warmth, and begin to see how much closer the monsters are in your head.
  I did, however think of a little tune to sing or chant while I was there...and which at times has still helped me for whatever peculiar reason:

   I don't care if the sun don't shine,
I'll get my loving in the evening time...
  and I don't care if it rains like hell,
I'll get my loving in the evening swell...
  and I don't care if I rain dry tears...
I'll get my loving when you kiss me here.

   Peculiar huh?

   Ah but what flights of fantasy do we have to us? Really, I think there's a place even for cold, and although I'm less happy in it (and less inspired to do things), I still love it. I feel - and I'm not being cocky here, I'm just saying what happens to me - I feel more beautiful.

  Things are more beautiful in the cold:
Long-forgetful of warmth, endlessly sad and yet endlessly beautiful. Solitary to a pathological degree and magnificently vicious.

  Okay, so Scar this isn't really a great way to end a blog when you started with summertime fantasies and memories, but what is one without the other? Warmth without cold? Though I am still searching for a place to one day live that has a constant but not unbearable warmth to it. Tropical, like Bali.

  Though the Bali heat is so different to the ones we experience here in Australia. Like literally stepping into a blanket of warmth, where even the sea is humid and you feel that finally something deep inside of you has thawed. To go there again...and re-find my inspiration and once-happiness. To forget my own ice-land.

  A Silver Coin for your weathery days dear friends,
Miss CLScarlett xx

P.S. To allude a sense of glamour and sunshine, I implore you to watch the music video below. It's Take That, with a song called Greatest Day. Much Love.

Though you do have to wonder what this bands' view on UFOs and abduction are, heehee. Right at the end, seriously they like zap up into the sky.
Ah! Also for all you LOST fans out there, one of the guys seriously looks like Richard.

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