'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Friday 17 August 2012

The Floating SeaHorse and the Epidemic of Dream-sickness....

An Angel's Despair...

The throbbing pain against her ripped jeans had gone numb, as had the cold bloodstained pavement, covered with shattered glass. In the whirling haze of lashing wind she could still see the thundering clouds of night. She whispered in darkness, rain wet against her cracked lips, "I broke my wings."

In the arms of an Angel, far away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness  you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
In the arms of an angel may you find comfort here.

(Martin Stranka)

So greetings Dear onessss,

       Today I've been thinking about angel's and seahorses. I know hey, deep, deep subject. :] But what is the world without deep subject's like this? Heehee. 
      Nah my own angel's a pretty cool guy: though I guess it depends whether you're thinking of the dark angel kind or the good-at-heart kind. Oh and by the way...what is it with the obsessive amount of angel and vampire books out at the moment? It's as though everyone had the same idea at once and now we're all just sick to death of it all. (Well I am).

        Ah and in my defence, before I started hearing about all these teen romance books between angels and girls or vice versa, I (honestly!), wrote a small novel that was very similar in genre. One day I just woke up and literally I was burning, burning to write. It took me a week to get out the first half of the draft on paper, and now it's long-complete.

   Luckily, I made sure that although the novel did circle around a young girl and a fractured angel named Mahan, I didn't let the romance side get in the way. It was more a premise that told how you should stick to what you believe, even when everything's beating against you.

   So now heehee, I just feel cliché with all the other similar books out when honesty I did write it just because I had to...not because it was the current theme in the market.

     But...my angel's were/are pretty cool. Dark angel's in the story have shifting, black tattoos that mark them out, and with all angel's in the book, human's can see them, but they only see them as human's: aka, they aren't as magnificent-looking, they don't have wings and usually they're wearing business suites. (For whatever reason)
      In the novel, the girl is wounded by this dark angel called Kanah who is basically a psycho whose convinced that Mahan belongs to him and his dark king, and that if he is pushed enough he will eventually give up his convictions. The injury causes her to be able to see things that no one else can (such as two wolves that happen to be as large as horses almost) and it moves on from a plague called Angelo a Death that nearly wipes out all of Australia, to a series of violent murders based in Sydney.


Do you know the picture of that seahorse is a tribal version of one? Seahorses...I don't know why but they make me feel inexpressibly sad. If I ever came back as something it would either be a seahorse, a cat or a dragon (if they were real). 

 Ah and on a side note, when I referred to dark angel above, I meant Sodom, my confidante. In that...for lack of heartlessness I see that deep down, even though he's a vain, devil-may-care shape shifter who will do and say anything to get what he wants, he does have a heart to him. Though by now nearly all of it has been eaten away.

You know...when I used to dream more, I would experience this phenomenon in my dream-worlds that I began to call Dream Sickness.
What, you may ask, is Dream Sickness?

    I've always believed that for one reason or another dreams tell you things about your own life and problem's and sometime's even the lives of those you know. Dream Sickness, I'd see it in my dreams' as a deep, numb blue atmosphere that would gather about someone I knew in the dream. They would be melancholy and very tired...like the sort of tiredness you get when you're somewhere bitterly cold. That something in them was sick in spirit.

       Often I'd speak to the person later in real life, and I'd discover that they were a bit or a lot down in spirit. 
Ah and nightmares! I have few and far between - though I do have heaps of dreams that I guess you could say are nightmarish (such as a fair few where the Joker from the Dark Knight was chasing me around a cabin with his knife, threatening to do things to me..heehee)

       Nah the dream that really scared me was odd. I was Kate from the LOST TV series, and I was as old as her too. I had a young child, a boy, and I know that for some reason he disappeared out of my life. Now in the main part of the dream I was living in a Queensland-er-style house that overlooked all this acreage and this gigantic gum tree. I was overseeing a construction project in which all these worker's were building a shack or hut at the base of the gum tree.

Now even though I had approved its' construction, I couldn't understand how it would work. See the shack, it was so so small that I didn't see how anyone could live in it.

   About this point in the dream, and out of nowhere, my missing son and another little girl appeared. They walked out onto the green lawn just in front of the half-built shack and my boy looked up at me and then pointed at the hut.

"Don't go into the house mummy, please don't go into the house!"

He screamed this, with tears streaming down his face and fear in his eyes and in that moment, we all realized that there was something terribly wrong with the hut, that it was dangerous.

All of us began to run away from the shack in terror and about that point I abruptly woke up. The fear from that dream was still with me and for almost a minute I believed that 'the house' my kid referred to was my own house in real life.

Scary, scary dream heehee. (No, do not
laugh please.)  

So I will leave you with a thought-provoking question...are you ready?.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Do you like tea? :D

   No, really I'm curious to know who dreams' in black and white, because there was only ever one friend I had who dreamt without colour (and who saw the moon backwards from his home country). No clues heehee. 

   So I will drift back into mediocrity and the listless task of finding a job. HarHarHar...

Dasvidaniya friends,
Miss CLScarlett xx

P.S. The turtle couldn't help us...so watch the balloons and all of us float...
           (Ah I love you if you know what that means)

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