'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Sunday 5 August 2012

My Artificial Downpour: Unfortunately my Laptop did NOT survive...

A cold chill, whistles behind your back, causing you to turn - unsure for the first,
   In your wake the world crumbles, beset by a storm...that feeds and screams, wanting you more,
   Yet turn you did run, away fom its' fists, knowing that indeed he had lied...for a storm you ran not but a viscous cold face, that laughed at your every stride,
   Until finally you realize, that you're not running at all, just waiting to finally be caught...and at this point you know, that the fiercest nightmares could never quake, he who is the darks of the sea,
   Hunted by a creature both man and beast...that feeds off your most shallow of fears, you hear him taunt, from the depths of your mind and you understand that all is lost,
   Until finally the waves crash, pull you in...not water but wrists, and soon the sea doest bind,
   For caught you are by a fabled legion, of horror, ice and vast...that holds the name Kraken, a beast of the sea, that forever moves beyond grasp.

  Do you like to hear stories...?

    Who does? Who doesn't? It depends, you say? Well yes, quite.
Maybe it is that the reason I'm the way I am is because I was always told stories. Some of my earliest memories were how my mother would tell me tales about a magical lake where Uni the Unicorn would dwell, along with Swany the Swan, Caraleena and Carabeena the dolphins. If it wasn't magical stories it was leaving giant marbles in an egg holder and coming back home from school to find the marble gone and a fragile creature in its' place.
   Every movie I watched was Disney pretty much (so heehee, blame Disney please), and as well as the times I'd draw and become the characters I'd dream of there were all the sketched; basic stories I would create. 
  One tale I heard, and I'm not quite sure where, was about the Kraken, and hey, maybe all of these descriptions of dark otherly forces have come together over the years to make me feel that fate or death to a fraction is often out to get me. :] 
  But the story went that the Kraken was able to take the form of a sea fisherman, but that he was also a beast, and he literally fed on all the in-between fears we have. All our primal, something-under-the-bed terror would give him life and more freedom.

 I might even say that it's just curiosity (and hey, curiosity always kills the cat) (at least it killed mine heehee). But pure curiosity has always led me into everything, and you know I heard that was a year of the monkey thing. (Which I've discovered recently that I am).

  But curiosity to know if the world is as black and white as they say it is, and how long we can handle looking the things we fear in the face...even if it's ourself. Testing, always testing.

   One man, that I'd have to say was wrongly treated and as mad as a hatter in some ways (though in others he was a damn genius), and yes I am planning to rave heehee.
  Tesla Nikola. The Master of Lightning.

  He dwelt about the same time as Edison - who by the way was a cheat and scoundrel - in that, he ripped Tesla off of the money he had promised him if he would help him work on some of the projects that have mad him famous today. I believe it was he who actually invented the radio - or at least the idea.
  Why don't you hear about him in school you ask?
Because society considered him mad. It was almost like he was born in the wrong era. He wrote heaps of articles, many of which dealt with far-flung theories.
  He predicted that women would one day be much more dominant, like queen bees in a beehive, or that it was possible to light the sea at night or communicate with the planets in our solar system. He created plans for UFO-like machines, death rays and systems to protect countries from each other. He was extremely eccentric, obsessive-compulsive AND...(to haunt the conspiracy theorists out there), when he died, the FBI, I think it was, took all of the plans he had made for the Death Ray and other similar types.

I'm not making this up by the way! He's in the movie The Prestige and you can find him on the internet. I just love the fact that we are never told about Tesla, but we are taught about a man who blackmailed people.
  Edison die, Tesla forever! ROAR!


  Probably a more recent theory or belief I have is that there are otherly places, or just...you get a feeling about them.
  Here's a small list of the ones I mean, and believe me, you will agree:

  - Abandoned theatres: You know once I was spending a week on a cruise and they had a small cinema right at the base of the ship, below the water line. It was never locked, and often I'd go inside and get spooked by the curtains swaying. (There was no wind, eerie....(okay, yes I know it was the boat but it still was))

  - Houses at two or three in the morning: I always end up sitting up to these times, sometimes later, and the house...it's really creepy. Often if you sit there long enough, listening to the silence, you begin to hear all the creaks and noises. Sometimes the lights will seem to flare or things will dart into the corner of my eye. In the end, the silence becomes too loud and the emptiness turns animal-like.

 - Walking from the house to my room in the granny flat at night: Well, enough said. It doesn't matter how often I look around, I just get the jitters, fearing that if I put my back fully to the darkness outside, well...I always get the unconscious feeling that some zombie-like creatures is going to sprint shrieking from the shadows at me. 

- Certain Roads and Streets at Night: Sometimes certain places seem to take on an otherly atmosphere, especially when the streets are empty and it's late at night. You feel that you could do anything or that anything impossible could happen. That a small doorway opens up and allows for the weird and otherly to exist. I remember once, ages ago (and no, I was not doing drugs), I think I was just a bit spaced out and letting my imagination work too much. But, I was being driven in the car with my family at night, and I looked out the window at all the trees and flat land we were passing. Then, as I continued to stare, all of the trees came alive. It was actually pretty terrifying, in that once I started seeing it, I couldn't stop. They all began racing full-tilt at our car, transforming into weird half animal-half human creatures, or bulls or tree-humans.
  It's really just the way the shadows work I think.
  Ah, and then there's been the times when I've thought I've seen something out of the corner of my eye. This one time I remember I was again being driven along at night and I could have sworn I saw someone in a ghoul-like Voldemort-style black cloak, pushing a trolley along a road.

  Oh yeah...creepy as.

   Telling ghost stories!! Life is not complete without good fun scares, and I find it easier when I get to be the scary one heehee.
  Which is probably why I loved living on the island so much (or at least, one of the reasons). That place had so many ghost legends and hauntings and deaths that it was no wonder it sometimes got weird there. One weird thing was the Nicholson family. Their old house has been there since the island first really got sold to anyone, and what I found weird was that a lot of the deaths that happened over the years, were very similar. 
  So...one person falls through the glass roof of reception and breaks his neck, another dies in a car crash after just leaving the island, another died from cancer on the island, there was a plane crash on the airstrip, and the murder of all those Aboriginals at the beginning. Then you've got the three staff members who all died in the same staff area, while another guy died from unknown causes inside his small room and was found three days later. Quite a few members of the Nicholson family died in similar ways (and you know, I really did start to think maybe there was a curse on the island or their family), but...you can easily get carried away.
  Maybe I'm superstitious, but it wasn't just the sightings of ghosts or all the deaths, it was a toxic feeling about the place. I talked to others about it too, and everyone seemed to have this constant up and down roller-coaster ride of highs and lows (and maybe that's just from living on the island), but even now, I believe that place drew people that were running from something.
  Ah so you were running from something then Scarlett? Maybe, don't know what really.

Maybe just island fever.

  I'm sorry for rambling a bit dear ones,
Miss CLScarlett xx



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