'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Friday 21 September 2012

My Perspective Thousand-wide Tangle of Gloom-Balloons...

   Well well well...


  Well well well Scarlett...have you ever heard the story of the three wells...? Well I have...and you well, well you should have. :]

     I believe myself to be in a far more fantabulis mood than the end of my last entry: and I do feel it was rather unfair, me ending it like that, seeing as I hardly have time to Blog these days, so I should use my entries wisely, as they say.

    Recently I finished IT by Stephen King...and my gosh! For anyone who has read it, you'll understand what I mean without me having to even go into it. But he truly is one of the most brilliant writers I think and honestly...if you want a good read (and if you want to see just how much and how long you can handle the darkness and violence and sadism in the book itself, then please you must read it)
    I think I got to the stage at the end of the tale (and I think it's the longest book I've tried to read, or that I've taken to read), in which it was all so ridiculously horrific and violent and intense that I stopped being scared of it. It became funny in some ways! Is it really possible that I actually feel somewhat tender towards the entire tale?

   If I can give a small piece of advice and honesty, his type of style is envying. In that, he looks at things from such another angle...and all the little names for things and catch phrases that the characters use, are solid and have meaning...they weren't just hastily thrown onto the writing page by King...he really did think it out. (Heehee...obviously, I guess you'd say). It even took him five years to write...and (this isn't me boasting or anything of the sort), but my first novel...well I wrote it first when I was eight or so...and I'm still editing it. What I mean by saying that is that I wasn't advanced in any way back then and I'm still improving...and hey, maybe I've spent too much time on my various novels, but the fact is, only Stephen King could accomplish a feat like that book in five short years.
    My gosh...
             On a side note, I wanted to say that from what I've read in books and with how I'm [hopefully] starting to put in place in my own writing, it's all about how the writing is put on the page and styled: how clever it is.
                  The best books are formatted in a way that's engaging and shining...in curious and unusual ways, and often it's just the writing itself...but in some books (like The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall and Stephen King :] ) it's visually enticing and awesome. I think these days the only way to get published is to write in such a way that as soon as a reader lays eyes on the first sentence of the first page, the author's perspective hand reaches out and seizes the reader by the collar and won't let them free.
           I have still got a long way to go with my own style but I think the new version of my first novel is getting better, and I'm trying to follow this advice myself.
              Ah... but, it seems to me that lately in my life...fate or Jesus or life doesn't care if I want to be oblivious and live a simple life (and I am in no way complaining), but I can't seem to shake my perspective thousand-wide tangle of gloom-balloons that follow me around everywhere. That's why I say I'm always of double-mind in everything, because half the time I'm all doom and gloom in my head and rather sad I guess, but the other half of me, or really my Sodom-Esq psyche tells me and fills me with the belief that life isn't that bad. And it isn't, merely that I think it's just the way I am.
      But what I'm getting to with all of this...is that even though I doubt, I can still see the meaning behind everything and that someone still cares for me even though I can get lost in my labyrinth most of the time.
       Not only do I get a job on the gold coast at seaworld...but it fit both of my secret requirements: It's permanent, it's basically the same as the work I did on Lindeman Island, the people are great, I get to wear a uniform, and although it's hard work (and a lot of work), it's a bit less than Lindie. It's also filled another requirement of my 109 day list: aka, go to the beach more.
        There's a beach right across from work that I sometimes go to before work...and there's curlews!
Curlews...heehee, if you didn't know they're these tall grey and black birds that live around barren sort of places and that move mostly at night. They've got these gigantic eyes, and they move in a stalking sort of way. But they're so idiotic that if you scare them (and ahm, they happen to have trapped themselves indoors), they usually will fly straight up and hit the roof or fly into windows. My gosh they're funny, and they were on my island when I was working there. So to see them at my work now, it's like another sign that this is where I'm meant to be.
         You may think that these are all just coincides, and maybe they are...perhaps I look into things too much, but I believe all this and a few other things, have added to my opinion that things are still taking care of me in ways. I'm loving it in some instances, and in others my melancholia  is worse and somehow more intense.
        But I've always believed that it's about perspective, even though I don't always put that into place. Still...
               So...as well as re-writing my first novel, I've changed a fair few parts of my characters' names, and just tried to make them more personal in how they speak and act. I've also, ahm, changed the series' name: The MatchSpark Series
          I'm also really feeling the desire to paint again, or to work on a character depiction on a canvas of my characters and special ones.
          On a last little note, I had the revelation that what we are all searching for is the truth: I know, cliche huh? Heehee. It's true though, subconsciously, in every action we take, we are looking for something that fills us, fills some need...makes us feel loved or special or important. All because we're searching for this truth.
           In honour of the truth...here is a pretty darn awesome music video of The Truth by Pnau:
Much Love dear ones,
Miss CLScarlett xx

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