'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Regal Emnity of the Numeral Three...

Every story has a start...
and this is mine.
I have decided that the numeral three is important here...
hence why I have Blogged first in 2013,
on the third day of its' reign...
There are places I wish I could return to,
or people that I was before...
The time-moths were quieter back then...
and I never quite felt myself,
who I really was...
despite that,
There was one season,
around about Easter...
when I spent a few nights at a music festival,
we stayed in little blow-up tents...
and it was so cold,
that it was like a physical being...
one became so chilled that,
it was as though part of our soul had been blown away...
I'd retreat often to a place called,
The Chai Tea Tent...
where they'd serve such a delicious version of the drink,
in little paper cups...
the tables were low and surrounded by cushions in there,
and you could listen to unknown local music...
for hours at a time,
These were the lonely days...
of rain,
and long walks down abandoned roads...
or running without knowing where I was headed,
Painting walls and dreaming of ghosts...
the fear, the ecstasy and the sadness,
kind of all merged into one...
you know?
But things shift...
and change,
and right now my life is quite light-filled...
but even with the gorgeous light added to my life,
there are still the shadows.

I also, have discovered the resolutions for this coming year I wish to complete:
- Have my first book in my series edited and sent out to publishers and agents by the years end.
- Finish the last few items on my end-of-world list (aka, getting or starting to get my licence, inventing something, running again, and a few other bits and pieces...)
- Change the way I feel about the world and life at the moment, to something better.
  They're just a few....but you know, it really does seem that whenever I write something down or say something...it comes about. You know, words are powerful and all that. :]
   Going to see les miserables tomorrow with a dear friend, and wanted to leave you with this thought:
    Run the race. Forget the shame.
  Much Love and luck with your own resolutions...
  Miss CLScarlett xx
  PS. Sorry this hasn't been a better Blog, just wanted to say heyy...shoot the breeze for a bit you know?

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