Miss Scarlett here...
I have so badly missed writing these Blogs and I know it's not very enticing...me deciding to write my entries only once every week or perhaps twice.
Not consistent enough to keep you, heyyy?
There are reasons. Mainly it's that by the time I get home from work at sweet Seaworld Resort it's almost 11:30 at night. I've learnt that every moment, I need to savour. The smallest things and joys such as sunlight and watching goats eat gives me tremendous joy because every day almost is just go-go-go for me now.
I don't mind really...and for perhaps some strange sick reason I enjoy all that stress and emotion-boiling work. It certainly gives me more inspiration when I do get to write and...yes, makes me appreciate everything more: and not think about all the scary-deep-dark shit I usually do.
I have to say though that despite what I expected, even though I am unable to spend whole days trying to write, my writing habits have improved. I know now that I am truly a writer and that it is my true vocation and what I want to be remembered as. This is the mark I want to make on the world: and I'm willing to get there however I can.
Every spare moment I have in the day and night I'm writing or working over my stories...I probably should be getting more sleep - and as it is I feel like a zombie mostly all of the time harhar - but I need as much time as possible. But it's shown me that I do care about this whole lifestyle.
As well as this I've printed the first copy of my re-written first novel and I have asked my Dad and my brother to go over it: and myself. Then I will get it professionally edited and proofread and then start the slow process of submitting it to publishers and agents.
This will work.
I even ordered 250 business cards that advertise my writing and Pastry work under my pseudo name: C.L.Scarlett
This comes along...with their own engraved holding case heehee.
I've been thinking lately that...there are so many stories that I wished that I could have written. Alice in Wonderland is definitely one of them...and I'd be honoured even to know D.J. MacHale!
But I once read somewhere that there are two kinds of writers...
I can't recall the exact terms that were used, but the basics of it was that the first type writes with the aim of earning money off their work, being famous, having all the glitz and glamour and all the rest that comes along with that. (Sounds fabulous no?)
The second is the more traditional kind: the sort of person who turns their nose up at any advice, and who will slave away at their typewriter or computer, forgetting to eat or do anything else...and they don't so much care for the publicity in any way...more it's the writing itself that is their oxygen.
Sounds like two sides to the same coin right? Which are you...which am I? Heehee...I think in the end it doesn't matter, and that the only point to the matter is that as long as you need to write in some way, and your work is good (aka, others have said so...or you know it, in honesty), then you're a writer. I've found though that regarding the two types above, I tended to lean towards the first (even though the second was more romantically fixed in my head), in that I want my name to be known and for people to be delighted by my work...for it to be an enjoyable read.
However, because of that I kinda struggled with getting myself to write when I wasn't being paid for it. (I know, low hey?) It was merely a twinge-thing, but...I began (probably when I decided to re-write my series' books), that I needed to write without worrying about the fame or fortune or whatever, but to just write anyway even if sometimes there seems no point to it.
Really though, I think there's always a point to it. :]
I believe this so much now...and especially, it's surprising myself how much I really want to get to the stage where my book is being distributed across the world and I have a properly published hard copy of it in my hand...or paperback. You see I have begun the tentatively mind-destroying-stage of compiling a list of publishers and agents across the world that publish in my genre (which is Sci-Fi, Fantasy, novella), as well as writing down all the information on their submission requirements. There's sixty-one publishers I have to get through, that's how insane the list is!
If you think I'm insane for going about such a long venture well...maybe I am, but I really do want to do this, and I'd rather go the long-miles than have a quick-fix. I want it all to take me a while, and to complete this properly.

Maybe it is old-class, and I don't even see how it will be practical when it's so much easier to write on the computer. But...I'm a glutz for traditions and romanticism, and honestly :] , when I was looking at all the typewriters for sale, it was interesting.
There were sorts that were huge and black and monstrous...I could easily see Stephen King writing one of his novels on them...their incessant clacking burrowing away into the late hours of the night. :] A cigarette dangling from his lip. For a small instance that attracted me (and hey, I haven't decided against the idea of actually buying smokes just so I can puff away as I write.
But instead...I kept thinking...I need something that's me or rather, Scarlett. So I found this typewriter, and I can imagine myself typing stories on it. So...I'll figure out something. :]
Here's the insane and rather irrational dream I have though, in regards to my writing:
Perhaps have a casual day job (very casual), that earns me money but that most of my money is earned through my writing. I would live in a small, relatively basic place by the sea, (I don't care how rustic...in fact, the more the better), and I'd live a simple life with a cat or two and my typewriter...(and laptop of course), typing away my days, smoking an exotic cigarette or two and with a bottle of writers prerogative. Yess...maybe one day...somewhere.
But for now I'll live the life I'm living, and really...it isn't all that bad heehee. :]
I'll end this Blog and let you go back to your normal lives, but I'll leave you with this relatively small thing.........
They softly waver,
and the creaking grows louder
I was sitting alone in my house one night when an apparition caught my eye,
I had been reading the story of Jekyll and Hyde,
with a cup of Moon-Tea to devour,
I looked up from the words,
that crawled and scrawled like spiders,
and glanced over at the turn,
between both corridors near the urn,
Emptiness devoid met my eyes,
yet still the noises rose,
Until it was all I could hear,
and so indeed I leaped to my feet and inclined my ear,
Hoping to disbelieve...
Yet worry not,
though I had forgot,
to glance in the other direction as well,
and presently so...and you ought to know,
that I turned at once and froze,
Upon a most peculiar sight,
that filled me with strange delight...
The floor stretched before me,
shining its' odd wooden glow,
and from between the tightly wound floor-boards,
Something appeared to grow...
They crept up between the latticework
and miles and miles of dirt,
to hatch into the air with slender blue stems,
and bursting crowns of blood-rose red,
A hundred creeping vines,
Hatching from the woodwork,
Until my feet were covered in petals,
and silent I was...I had become,
at this Heavenly invasion of floral ones.
I will try and write again soon,
Miss CLScarlett xx
P.S. Mr. White n S seems to have temporarily gone on leave from my life...at times a shame, though sometimes he will still whisper to me. However he seems to be keeping very quiet. [Too quiet...]
Yess...too quiet Scar...
dear dear, tut tut...
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