I met a cat one starry night...
in a small village by the sea,
we were drunk and swaying at the early-night inn...
and then we travelled and scattered across roads to the bars of Ireland,
there we drank from teapots and soup dishes...
and snuck smokes in the alley back that wayy,
like haunted feline we entranced and danced...
singing our blues away,
we headed South...
across country and bone,
seeking a new path to lead us from home...
for we were wild of spirit and shunned from the righteous,
and so we ran and laughed and fled to alone...
Heaven help us give us wings,
we spirit along to commit the deed...
We fled down alleyways,
we skittered across twine...
we were touched by moonlight and devoured by shadow and mire,
would you race a storm?
would you chase and embrace a storm?
we crept beneath hedges...
and down secret ways,
through torrential rain and soot...
abandoning our hearts in the puddles and drains,
eventually we came to the end of our strength...
at a place where ivory grew,
it clawed and strangled its' way up pale white walls...
and crippled the chimneys of homes and saloon,
there we sat in the sudden grey quiet...
by the side of a silent pool,
we gazed and stared into its' saphire depths...
and saw the setting moon reflected grinning back at us,
we cast our souls into the darkness of its' deep...
until we found that we were floating,
two creatures of forgotten lives...
we dove and sunk with the eddies,
we were swept up by the tide...
and squeezed of breath by hands of ice,
we were jostled and thrown and tossed to and fro...
until that water,
it vomited us up onto land...
we had been battered and re-made,
by the cold and the wet...
our minds hammered down,
and our souls deeply nest...
between the paths of us,
and out onto red dust...
we saw the hills,
heard them swayy...
and we knew that we had to run and fly awayy,
so upward we took...
on the wind and burning sand,
whipped up high and darting down the lows...
we raced the sandman,
the sky blue ever above us...
as we wove with our new wings,
until eventually we paused...
on the very top of a dune,
and gazed out far...
towards the new morning sun and there,
a sudden glow...
a brushing of gold,
moving and billowing high above the desert horizon...
it moves and shifts,
flaring larger...
dipping down from between the few clouds,
a Brilliance we saw...
of otherwordly light,
that screamed with laughter and wept with delight...
It sunk and reached down towards us,
vibrating and whispering...
a cloud of galaxies and suns,
grasped us and whistled us up and away...
we travelled again for aeons,
or what could have been mere seconds...
in the embrace of that Brilliance and splendor,
that darted around us...
until eventually it set us down,
as gently as a kiss...
onto the pale earth of Dwarka,
where we knew we would be safe...
we bounded to the city,
and heard tales amongst the eaves...
chatter in the markets and bays,
oh city of palaces...
the lost wanderers have come home to stayy.
Hey there wanderers....
Things are still spinning and colliding, and sometimes I know that if you pause, and if you lose focus, eventually the madness that you took to escape the worse madness has become the new prison and chain around your neck. Things creep up on you...and they won't always wait forever.
But....there is always that hope, still curling somewhere beneath the murk.
Ah! I also wanted to relay a message from the Sinister Meeting Room....they, wish to thank the people that have been adding me on google lately, and all the people who still read this mumbo-jumbo rhymsical nonsense. We tip our hat to you good Sir and Madmadam.
Much Love and Light [or something close to it]...
Miss CLScarlett xx
P.S. I've been glimpsing Sodom again....it seems he's decided that he missed me and has as such started to haunt me. Jolly good Mr. White n S....at least the company I keep now is humorous.

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