A quiet road slips into your view...
the trees - their corners - bending down about you,
You forget about the light of day,
as you Turn your back on the meadows and quays...
A sinister tune joins you in your walk,
As the hedges edge closer,
and the Clocks begin to talk,
Fleeting images blur between trees,
and silence is your newly-wed,
A dream, a dream, a bee...
Cloudy moons chase cloudy stars,
and the Fog it drifts...
between the crevices of my mind,
Alice in wonderland,
has divided the two...
and a lined mirror I glance through.
The Sinister Meeting Room calls...
I can stand as a relatively well-known demon the days where it's all like a shadow weighing me down and blocking out the sun, or the other few days when I just feel great and that life is smiling down at me. But what I can do without is the listless and lukewarm days: the way I felt today in fact. Where it's just an agitated, bored, angry, nothing swirl in my head.
Just give me anything strong to feel...or where there is just a calm, smiling docileness in my mind.

Whereas fate's still there to play the fiddle on my strings and oftentimes set them on fire for his pleasure...but I am grateful.
The fact is [as we all know], change isn't comfortable, and it has threatened me, but I can see the light - as it were - and I'm starting to get excited.
Mainly, it's with my entire family...all our lives are shifting and taking on a whole new stage. I'm moving house, starting a different position (or really, a more full-time position), at my new job, the possibilities with my writing are opening up way more, and there's a whole bunch more things.
But life is cruisy...ish. :]
I also FINALLY received (no...not my typewriter yet heehee), but 250 business cards that are designed with my persona C.L.Scarlett in mind. Advertising my writing and pastry work. Whenever I manage to bring myself to actually charge my camera, I'll take a photo of them and put them up here...so, keep an eye out!
These days are grey days Watson...
Cherry days...
and we'll never be that far from them.
In honour of ludicrous and all things insane in the membrane...
the Sinister Meeting Room has a small mite
of a message for YOU...
Dear reader...
If you are in the dark,
about one thing or another...
then listen close and listen hard
There is a new dilemma,
to attend to today,
but before we can continue,
we must fix your own alms,
Stay calm and hum...
Eventually, in an hour or so,
If you keep in the know...
the answer should arise,
the Cause for this message is clear to me,
We must all venture back,
Down the paths of our mind,
and through the forest one more time,
Ignore the talking clocks,
they won't be of any use to you...
and instead focus on the tree ahead,
Upon it will hang,
approximately one million wings,
and it is your duty,
To pick the RIGHT one...
doing otherwise will result in a badly burnt heart,
yet the right one indeed,
will enable you to soar like a god,
Take to the air and fly straight East,
then turn ever so slightly and head to the west...
There you should find a solitary mirror,
Upon the crest of a Hill,
Land if you please,
and Look deep inside,
What you will see,
determines what will be...
Depending on what that happens to be,
a door shall reveal...
and step through please!
A room should be there
all splattered in gold and you should be able to hear...
a merry old tune,
Go straight right and then straight left,
and turn around twice,
Don't forget the rice!
This is the message dear old friends...
the most important thing in life is to laugh yourself dead...
or else if that be,
Too unsavoury for you...
Give back your wings,
and you can well start anew,
For the only way to keep them is to give up yourself,
and Murder your own reflection,
so as to see yourself.
Only then can you embrace...
all that is waiting for you.
This has been the Sinister Meeting Room, and listen eagerly for the call.
Much Love and Adore, dear ones,
Miss CLScarlett xx