'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Saturday, 8 December 2012

The Tides Greet and a small Instance of Conversion with the Enigmatic Mr. White n S.

I found it again...that place,
Something I'd forgotten.
I never would have expected to...even when it used to be so my love,
and what inspired certain parts of my writings...
closing your eyes,
and a deep, dark space.
But not...scary dark,
but a heavy dark...
that is almost more a cool presence
 than anything else.
I don't know how to say it....
except that it is such a depth-ful and lucid thing,
that you feel you could begin seeing objects;
and places...and pinpoints of gold,
There in the darkness.
I used to see images in it,
moving scenes...
and it was so much like the
doorway to eternity that occasionally opens to me...
that I feel they are,
or belong to...
the same force or presence.
I slipped the ordinary shadows of my mind...
in a movie theatre today,
and saw again that heavy,
Creating-pregnant darkness
 to the side of my eyes and just behind them,
I smiled...
It was almost,

  Mr. White n S. : 'Driving you so....really Scar, how much more can you stand, when life has almost completely filled your mind with broken shards? It only becomes more crowded by the minute, and I know the holes thrown in glass inside are beginning to match the holes you make in walls...out.'

 Scar: 'Holes? There is light...there still is. And to stop treading around the shards only results in fatal collapse, and you know, You know...what happened the last time the string broke.'

Mr. White n S. : 'Such childish words...when there's more, so much more, and I know you will break. You're already enough like me already...the ice, the voidness...a creature bred with no more than a turmoil of emotions that belong to another beneath a hardness that grows by the second, and a machine. Only mechanical the motions that you go through, and the words you speak...in an attempt to sound nice, because the truth is far simpler. Come on...make me show them. I...dare you. I'd be more than happy as it seems far too distasteful for your own hallowed self.'

  Scar: 'Pleasant words from a manipulative-shape shifter.'

  Mr. White n S. : 'Avoidance...count your costs dearly child. They're all you seem capable of noticing these days.'

  Scar: 'Rah-rah-rah...go stab yourself in the foot.'

  Mr. White n S. : 'You're only proving my point.'

  Scar: 'And what...is your point?'

  Mr. White n S: 'That you are at war...any fool can see if they merely look close enough. Or no...perhaps you have built yourself up strongly enough: I'll give that. Though, the tale of three sides and a million smaller versions of the same, imploding into one another...is not new. Though you consider it to be and I shall be there...the being you shall become when it all finally converges. Who you turn to child, turn into. You have always been the gateway to my first physical step.'

 Scar: 'Only when the sun touches the earth.'

 Mr. White n S. : 'Well they say that isn't too far away either, don't they?'

  Scar: 'Only in your deluded mind.'

 Mr. White n S. : 'Keep whispering...keep lying. The only person you're wonderful at lying to is yourself Scar.'


      So...merry Christmas Cherubs! I feel like I haven't Blogged in such a long time, and the way things are, the ideas only cluster and grow more and more when I don't write: so that must be an upside. You know...
      I heard the term a few days ago, that our brain is filled with trees...that the memories themselves are a lot like trees. Growing, and wilting whenever fog drifts through.
      I also discovered that apparently...in some countries in the 18 and 1900s, cats were born with mutations: particularly, wing-like flaps on their backs that looked like wings, but of course...didn't allow them to fly. Maybe it was a hoax, but there were a lot, and in different countries and time periods. I've even read old poems about cats like that.
     It's fascinating, I think.

    I went to see Rise of the Guardians today, and...it was beautiful, and I just...forget. How easily we do. And I end up thinking, that it really is true that our words have powers. Sometimes you can say so much shit about yourself, and be thinking it and feeling it, that it becomes a cloud that obscures so much else...hence often resulting in a shadow-like dark presence that seems to follow one around, I think.
    But for the first time in a little while I spoke some positive things out into the air....and it was just, an instant weight almost, lifted from me. And hey, with the fact that I keep saying and thinking to myself that fate and death are following me around...then no wonder it would eventually happen.

   What I'm saying, is that...words do have power.
    But this movie....it brought me back to a happier place, and just...made me feel how important and life-giving belief of some sort is...that's what I often forget.

    Anyway...the villain in it, Pitch, made me nostalgic for Sodom; my Mr. White n S. Problem is, when I see movies like this I'll often end up feeling the moths for days afterwards...and in the past, when I was younger, after I'd seen a similar sort of movie, I'd do my drawing adventures: my Writing DreamTime, and it would cure it...to an extent. :]

    Enough chit-chat anyhoo...

   My book is currently being professionally evaluated, and so I shall leave you.

   Much Love,
   Miss CLScarlett xx

   P.S. You can like my page on Facebook now by clicking on the link at the top of the page (that of the peculiar bottle cap), and by doing so can ask me questions or just chat. :]



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