'Writers are liars by nature, but just because of that, don't discount us. For it is through our lies that we tell the truth. Our stories become the mask.'

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Encyclopedia of Slip-ways, Doorways and Half-Creatures...

Entry One:

Slag Heaps

Slag Heaps are found in forests,  and particularly about Ghost Gums. They are recognizable for their vast size, a hill fashioned from the compost of the forest, pale stones and twisted branches. Mud too is deep within its structure. 
Slag Heaps are just one of the few Doorways into the Goblin Realm. 
To access the Realm from the Slag Heaps,  find one at half light -  morning or afternoon is fine -  and bring a blade just in case. Also it is useful to bring a pocket filled with five cents.   Usually though,  you will not need to use it. For most,  it is enough to stand upon the muddiest,  softest part of the Heap and this could be anywhere. So search carefully and once you find it, stand there and clear your mind. 
Eventually,  you will begin to sink. 
Once you sink below you will be in the Hallways of the Goblin. 

Goblins have rough skin and are alarming physically. They move easily through the in-between places of our world, through computers,  wall spaces,  attics,  basements,  the corners of your eyes and corners.  In ancient cultures they were responsible for.the theft of babies and leaving a changeling in their place. 
They love five cents,  socks and other nicknacks,  responsible for the lost things of our world and malfunctioning traffic lights and computers. 

Scar xx

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