Heart Beats
Heart beats - heart breaks,
quivers first...
so fake,
Shatters apiece,
tears of heat...
laid upon a
bed of sleet,
Heart beats - heart breaks,
the sun grows cold – why do you wake?
Lies done,
breath given...
fatal music,
sung to
Heart beats - heart breaks,
longing for some,
wishing another...
Dagger drops,
winds pierce...
the quiet it
scares me,
too deep too deep...
Heart beats - heart breaks,
kissing him,
between sleep and wake...
holding him...
a dying heart,
my tears of dust – a farce
Heart beats - heart breaks,
tear at the cords...
scream silent screams,
Wake again now...
cry yourself to sleep,
beat beat...
Heart breaks - heart breaks,
Ties of love,
a trees cool song...
turn to
on chance he is gone...
Flee as lightning,
before your feet melt...
to the sky,
before your throat bursts...
Heart beats - heart beats
leave me be,
is crystal clear...
Heart beats - heart breaks,
Can't find a heartbeat,
that never was there...
Heart beats - heart shatters.
You feel your heartbeat return...
and a tapping upon your dust-smeared window,
in the deadest hour of the night...
waking you from your troubled slumber,
you look out and see a figure...
in ghost-white,
and the faintest of razor smiles...
beckoning you out from between your sheets,
You move through your house...
past the thudding load of the dryer,
through the creaking of the floorboards and clocks...
that adorn your seaside home,
you feel the breathing of the beings around you...
and the late night rusty wind,
you pry the door to your house ajar...
and slip into the dark,
you see him standing there...
tall and with reaching hands,
he grips one of your wrists...
and a careful hand upon your shoulder,
frightfully strong yet barely a touch...
and he ushers you forward,
whispering words into your ear...
'Be still,
listen here...
a summons has come unto you,
the Sinister Meeting Room calls...
for you to attend a most terrifying of evenings,
shadow-late on October the 31st...'
'You may not bring your diplomacy,
you should not bring your dread...
embrace the dark,
and cut off the ties...
bring instead,
your ferocious humour...
dance the lethal steps,
and take in hand the knife...
carve your name in the stone laid bare,
and allow your hand to stab the mirror...
shed your reflection and take again my hand,
allow me to lead you...
to where the party truly lies,
I shall return to you...
one night hence.'
The white figure leers in the darkness...
and offers you a mock bow,
he turns and shimmers in the ageing night air...
and fades from your very sight,
you consider the beings offer...
and whether or not any of it is true,
when you look down and see within your hands...
the blade he had whispered about to you,
with a note attached to its' end.
You close your fingers...
about its' cold and unforgiving edge,
and turn back...
the shades whispering desire and conviction into your head.
'We invite you...
to a grand evening of Dark Rotation.
To locate us...
you shall receive a Letter of Directioning,
at the eleventh hour.'
Haello people of the Otherly,
I've been in deep space darkness, and have only now dipped down from my orbit to breathe the oxygen and smell the hay and earth and rain mixed together. Time had become strange and there is no normality in the lies and lines and actions anymore...even what I write and think. Where is the way out of the box and the lock and the labyrinth?
WE forget what we decided to forget, even when we do not desire it.
Much LOve,
Miss CLScarlett xx

P.S. If you're looking for an awesome read in the spirit of this month, read The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff.
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