Hey there...
...all you travellers of the wayward side...
We've reached a turn, finally made it to the shores of a new year, maybe even a new era in our lives.
It feels like something's tapping at my window, that something's tapping at all our windows...
And I think I want to let it in.
This year is the year I want to say that I did that. In saying, I'm starting slow, one building block at a time.
And I'd kinda like to take you along.
I want to enter the writing world beyond just the writing.
To be found we must be seen.
My first destination this New Year, is to once a month go to a writing event.
My sights are set on the Melbourne Literary Salon. Held on the 31st of January 6 pm Federation Square. I have other plans too, to once or twice a week go to some kind of writing, book-related event.
Over the period of 2017 - 2019 it is my aim to achieve publication for my first book:
The MatchSpark Revellings: Volume I. The beginning of an End.
I will take you through the whole path, from editing, events, competitions, the whole shebang that is involved in reaching publication.
With some delights and the return of some old friends thrown in for good measure.
Imagine, making sure every day is devoted in some way towards our goal, to making it happen.
You never know what's just around the corner...
In delirium after binging on fruit mince pies...
Next step is getting a job and a flat...a space to create. With a job I can get to even more events.
(A small description of my first book...)
My Book is about a dragon who was a girl. A monster with a God-complex and a boy with ocean eyes and a heart of electricity. It is a tale about being in the darkness and finding your way back again.
All my love and wishes for 2017.
Miss C.L.Scarlett xox